Ernest Malinowski
Persons, originating from Poland

Ernest Malinowski

Born: January 5, 1818 in Seweryny, today Ukraina.
Died: March 2, 1899 in Lima, Peru.
The family fled abroad after the collapse of the November uprising in 1930. Malinowski studied in Paris technical sciences, among other the construction of bridges. In 1852 he signed a contract to work in Peru as an engineer for the government.

He is the builder of the famous Central Trans-Andes Railway in Peru. In the 19th century the line was called a miracle with a length of 218 km (from the port of Callao to the town of Oroya). A large part of the line lays on an altitude over 2000 m. At the highest point, the pass Ticlio, it reaches 4818 m above sea level. The line counts 63 tunnels and many viaducts or bridges. The highest bridge lies near Verrugas: 175m. For many years the line was was the highest railway the world.

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The bridge over the Verrugas Canyon is among the biggest    
    in the world. It is 77 meters high and 175 meters long.

Polonica stamps:

Peru 1999, 03 III
Peru 2019, 28 I